Thursday, June 16, 2011


Hi. I'm Pear. Yes, literally a pear. And my friends and I are going to tell you about the most annoying orange we ever met. It was late afternoon when an orange plopped right onto the counter. He started talking to us and wouldn't stop. We told him to quit but he wouldn't listen. So soon enough we all started to call him the "Annoying Orange." The orange always made fun of people.

Then the next day a big watermelon was plopped onto the kitchen counter. Afterwards the orange said, "Wow, you're huge and have big hips!" The watermelon replied, "I don't have big hips!" The annoying orange said, "Yes you do watermelon." "No I don't," said the watermelon. Then the annoying orange said, "Yes you do." Then the watermelon said, "Well if I have big hips then you're the size of a grape." Well that got the orange going. "So what, at least I don't have big hips, big hips, big hips, big hips!" Then the watermelon said, "Stop that!" "Big hips!" "STOP!" "Big hips, big hips, big hips, big hips, big hips!" "Why don't you shut up? The rumors are true, you are the most annoying orange in the world." So the annoying orange said, "Well at least I don't have big hips." "Stop saying I have big hips!!!" said the watermelon.

Finally something grabbed the annoying orange. It had tentacle type things that were grasping around the orange. Then it also had these weird lines on it. We all decided to call it the "hand." Anyway, it grabbed the orange and sliced him in half. Then it juiced the orange and that was the last anyone ever saw of the "Annoying Orange."


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