Thursday, May 5, 2011

The No-Title

There was once a boy with no title at all. He had no family, no friends, no belongings, no nothing. He was a whimp and a total nobody. No one dard to be around him because they couldn't care less. The boy would always try to get people's attention, but it was like he was invisible. Then one day he came across a miracle...

It was a cool summer night. No Name was lying on a bench in the park when he came across the miracle he couldn't ignore. Normally a person would've thought it was a vending machine but to No Name it was a lifetime opportunity. No Name ran to the machine, glad as ever. But he didn't have any money so he was about to cry. Before he was about to cry, he reached his hand down into the dispenser. He felt the bottom of the dispenser and a tear ran down the boy's cheek.

All of a sudden he hears the popping noise a wrapper makes and a smile creeps onto his face. He pulls it off so fast he hits his eye with the end of a srapper. Then he tears the paper open and looks at the title of the bar so he knows what he's getting himself into.

When he glanced at it, the bar read, "Almond Joy." He figured nothing bad would happen if it had joy in the title so he took a bite. Then another. Then another. Pretty soon the whole bar was gone. Butr when he looks up, the whole world is different.

He is sitting on a bed in warm pajamas. Suddenly a woman walks in and says, "Time for school, Joy." The boy was amazed, and his life couldn't have been better since that night.

Submitted by Amber, 6-T

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